Everything You Need To Know About Combination Ladders

Everything You Need To Know About Combination Ladders  - Blog Header

Combination ladders are becoming increasingly popular and are in the top selling categories on our website in recent years, due to the versatility of the product. A combination ladder can be used in several configurations meaning that in most cases one ladder is all you need for the majority of jobs, however, due to the versatility they offer combination ladders can also be a little tricky to understand. This blog will hopefully offer clarity on what they are, how they’re used and most importantly why we believe every home and workplace should have one.  

What Is a Combination Ladder? 

A combination ladder in simple terms is a ladder type that can be transformed from one ladder style into another in a matter of minutes, typically using simple catches and switches to lock the ladder into position. Combination ladders are also named Combi and Multi-Purpose ladders; and as the names suggests they can be used in different combinations and for multiple purposes. 

How Many Ways Can I Use A Combination Ladder? 

Combination ladders as a minimum can be used in three different configurations, however, some combination ladders can be used in up to 24 different ways, so the baseline answer to this question is dependent on the product purchased. As an example, the Zarges Skymaster can be used in six different configurations although some products in the Little Giant range can be used in upto 24 different ways due to its rung-by-rung adjustment.  

The most common ways a combination ladder can be used are as a step ladder, leaning ladder, extension ladder, stairway ladder and A frame.  

Combination Ladder Specifications 

On our website under each product, we try to have as much information as possible to ensure our customers can select the best product for their needs, this doesn’t change on combination ladders however the specifications can still be a little confusing to understand, below is a breakdown of specifications of a combination ladder and what they mean.  

Can Be Used On Stairs – This one is a little self-explanatory, some combination ladders can be used on stairs and others cannot, typically smaller sizes of combination ladders are safe to use on staircases. If purchasing a ladder for this purpose be sure to check out this specification, we also have a category for all combination ladders suitable for stairs.   

Max Working Height – This is the maximum height that a user can reach when working on the ladder, this is calculated by taking the highest safe standing point of the ladder and adding 1.5m on for the average height of the user. The maximum working height is calculated on a combination ladder when in extension ladder mode.  

Extended Length – The extended length of a combination ladder is the overall length of the ladder (all sections) when being used as an extension ladder.  

Closed Section Height – This is the smallest length of the ladder when the ladder is closed (not in operation). For example, if your combination ladder has an extended length of 6m and consists of three sections the closed section height will be around the 2m mark, give or take the potential overlap from other sections.  

A Frame Height – The A frame height of a combination ladder is the height of the ladder when it is in a stepladder configuration. With a combination ladder you cannot stand on the top of a step ladder which is why the next specification is also important to take a look at.  

Step Ladder Working Height – This specification gives you an estimated height that a user will be able to reach when using the ladder as a step ladder. As mentioned above a user should not stand on the top three treads of a stepladder (unless this is a platform stepladder) and this measurement takes this into account. The step ladder working height is calculated by taking the last safe standing height and adding 1.5m to this for the height of the user.  

How Do I Set Up A Combination Ladder? 

With the many forms a combination ladder can take, there is no straightforward description of how you set up a combination ladder. As a rule, combination ladders use switches and locks to extend and maneuver the sections of the ladder, however, to find the exact way to operate your combination ladder you should always consult the user manual. 

Most Popular Combination Ladders

Little Giant Velocity Combination Ladder Zarges Skymaster X Combination Ladder Werner X4 Combination Ladder

Further Information 

For further information on combination ladders or any working at height inquiries, you can get in touch with us by calling 01204 590232 or contacting us via our online contact form.

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