Ladder Association Accredited Training

(6 products)

We offer a range of Ladder Association training which gives all delegates photo ID upon completion of the course to prove competence. Unlike other ladder training providers, all our training is accredited and delivered by Ladder Association trainers which means you can be sure all questions will be answered, and with ladder standards changing there is no better time to complete training. Our range below covers how to use and inspect step ladders and extension ladders and also trains delegates how to use the product safely. These training courses are designed for anyone in the construction industry as well as anybody else who works and uses ladders on a regular basis. We have also added to our range step stools and kickstep training ideal for retail workers and teachers.

All our ladder safety training can be carried out at our site in Bolton or feel free to contact us if you would prefer for us to come out and carry out ladder training on your site. To find out more information about our training and why is it important, take a look at our blog post; What Is Ladder Training And Do I Need It ?

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Is Ladder Association Training Valid For?

Upon completion of a Ladder Association Training course each delegate receives a LadderCard as proof of competency. Users will get a card depending on which course they have completed, Ladder User, Inspector or one card for completing both training courses. A LadderCard is valid for 5 years.

Is Ladder Training A Legal Requirement?

Ladder training is not a legal requirement, however is best practice to any person working at height. The working at height regulations state that any person tasked with working at height should be competent and Ladder training is a method to prove competency of your workers. As an employer you have a responsibility to ensure your workers are safe and if working at height training should be provided.

How Long Is Ladder Association Training?

Ladder Association training is split into two parts, ladder user and ladder inspection training. Each section of ladder training course takes 4 hours and therefore both parts can be completed in one day which is what the majority of our delegates choose to do. This way they can also inspect their ladders and tag them using a system such as Ladderlog.

Is Accredited Training Better?

In our opinion accredited training is much better than training that is provided by other training providers who provide in house training. Whilst this may sound bias, there is good reason. Accredited training courses give you piece of mind the training has been created by a number of leading industry professionals and keeps upto date with current legislation. There is a clear structure to the courses and a valid ID card is provided upon completion. More information on our accredited training course can be found on our blog post; Ladder Association Training & Customer Feedback.

How much is ladder training?

Ladder training comes in many different forms and therefore the price can be variable. Our training at our Bolton center is charged per delegate and starts at £125 per user. Inspection training courses can also be added onto the user course at an additional cost. Get in touch with our team for on-site ladder training courses.

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