Always keep in mind that your employees' safety comes first. As a result, you must ensure that they are equipped with the necessary safety equipment to avoid injuries and fatalities. Goggles, hard hats, and work gloves are just a few of the items you'll need in copious quantities in your warehouse. Only workers who have been trained should be completing tasks in the warehouse.
We also recommend a competent person inspects your warehouse steps on a regular basis, and a record of those inspections should be kept. You also need to consider the application of the warehouse step, if employees are using a step to load heavy objects, platform width is critical. You can specify the tread width when ordering steel mobile safety steps, which can range from 500mm to 2000mm. Different tread types are used on mobile safety steps. The three main tread types are anti-slip tread, ribbed rubber, and expanded metal. All three tread types are water, oil, and chemical resistant, making them suitable for use in the food and beverage industries.